If you want a pair of good hiking boots, these are the way to go. High-quality materials and workmanship make these punch way above their price point. Suitable for all seasons. As a valid selling point, these are made either in Bosnia or Slovenia, not in some far East sweatshop.
Years ago we'd sell German surplus Gebirgsjäger boots, which were popular but the sole was too stiff for regular hiking use. These boots show a strong heritage of European hiking boot tradition, the looks are subdued, but the features and ergonomics are up-to-date.
In other words, excellent hiking boots for temperate climates where the conditions are predominantly quite wet or at least uncertain more often than not. Just add socks and they work in winter too. If you tread through heather or snow, use gaiters.
Alpina is a rather well-known shoe manufacturer from Slovenia. They make boots for government instances as well as for the consumer market. They make their boots in Slovenia (EU).
Micky S.
Jakub K.
Harvey W.