Face the facts: You're gonna need more than one pair of underpants! Get a 4-pack with a discount – even with superior low-maintenance merino, it is advisable not to put all eggs in one... merino basket?
If you insist on getting just one pair, here they are.
These are traditional men's briefs, made of Merino wool. You often see this kind of undies made of cotton, but these woolen briefs are way better and fit nicely, too, without looking too audacious.
The front is thicker due to a double layer, as usual with this style of underwear. Unlike cotton, it doesn't mean sweaty dampness even when you are standing still on a hot day. The waist is elastic to keep 'em up.
Merino wool allows sweat to pass through without soaking, is naturally resistant to stains and odors, and is just right in terms of insulation in most environments. These are a piece of garment you will love to wear all year round - including summer.
These are made in Lithuania to our specs.