Most likely the best cold weather socks that you can treat yourself with. If you freeze your feet in the field, your fight is over – so get yourself the correct choice of socks and footwear! This is a robust sock with flat non-abrasive seams and a soft merino wool terry cloth inside to keep your feet warm. We left the shaft long enough to go well even with our tallest combat boots.
Merino wool terry cloth fabric is awesome. The material is pretty flat on the outside but inside it’s filled with small loops, which create a pleasant feeling while also insulating your feet from the cold. Because of this structure, they allow air to flow and keep your feet dry and comfy regardless of the weather. They work well just as they are, but by layering a thinner merino sock underneath you have a formidable defense against even colder days.
These socks are made in Finland by Sukkamestarit.
Our sock provider Sukkamestarit has joined the NATIVA™system, the purpose of which is to be able to trace the merino wool back to individual sheep farms. Because of this, you will also be able to find out where the wool for all our merino wool Särmä TST socks comes from.
The packages of Särmä TST socks have a QR code that you can use to trace the source of the merino wool.
Robert H.
Kirse C.
David W.